Arohanui Hospice Board welcomes new trustee

The Arohanui Hospice Board welcomed its newest trustee, Dr Curtis Walker, at its first meeting for 2022 last night, via Zoom.

Board Chair Lorraine Vincent says Dr Walker’s arrival completes two years of significant succession planning and governance changes for the Board.

Dr Walker (Te Whakatōhea rāua ko Ngāti Porou) is a general physician and kidney specialist with MidCentral District Health Board. Currently Chair of the Medical Council of New Zealand and seated on the Interim Health New Zealand Board, Dr Walker brings extensive experience in governance, clinical leadership and public policy.

His career has been predominantly in secondary and tertiary clinical provision and has involved governance roles across health, including President of the New Zealand Resident Doctors Association, Deputy Chair of the Māori Medical Practitioners Association and leading the Ministry of Health's Planned Care Equity Advisory Group.

Dr Walker says he is looking forward to the honour of serving as a trustee.

“During my training, I had the privilege of working at Arohanui hospice for 3 months, and it was amazing to be part of such a dedicated team, delivering such important care to the people and whānau of our community.“

“Like many, I have also had whānau members who have been cared for at Arohanui Hospice. It is now a privilege to be serving as a trustee for this special organisation as it looks ahead to the next 30 years. I would also like to mihi to Tā Mason and Lady Arohia Durie, who are guiding mentors for me, as well as our Arohanui Hospice patrons.”

“It is a pleasure to have Dr Walker, along with his depth of skills and experience, join a future-focussed team continuing progress across a variety of projects during what is looking like another challenging year,” says Ms Vincent.

“The Board is also looking to better incorporate tikanga into its governance approach which I have no doubt Curtis will greatly assist with.

“During my training, I had the privilege of working at Arohanui hospice for 3 months, and it was amazing to be part of such a dedicated team, delivering such important care to the people and whānau of our community.“

“We have had our share of governance change over the last couple of years. It’s nice to have a full muster of volunteer trustees and a team committed as ever to maintaining the reputation of Arohanui Hospice as a centre of excellence in palliative care.”

The sudden death of trustee Mary McKenna in September 2019, who had been a special part of Arohanui Hospice since its inception, set the wheels of succession in motion.

“In July 2020, the Board welcomed trustees Bernie Hanaray (Horowhenua), Sharon Wards (Tararua) and David Andrews (Palmerston North).

“The addition of these three trustees has meant we are now more truely representative of our region.

“Then, not long after we farewelled long-time stalwart Tim Mordaunt last May, trustees Lindy Purdy (Palmerston North), Bryan Guy (Feilding) and Julie Knighton (Palmerston North) joined.

“Our final tribute was paid to the retiring duo of former Chair and champion fundraiser Roger Clausen and the highly-regarded Dr Fred Hirst at the end of the Board’s last meeting for 2021,” explains Ms Vincent.

The current Arohanui Hospice Board is: Lorraine Vincent, John Freebairn, Ross Hadwin, Murray Georgel, David Andrews, Bernie Hanaray, Sharon Wards, Lindy Purdy, Julie Knighton, Bryan Guy, and Dr Curtis Walker.

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